Megaminded ME...

Megaminded ME...

Tuesday 27 December 2011

continued from PREVIOUS post :D

Is database not well promoted in Malaysia?

Yes! database is a field less promoted. We neither listen about it on radio, watch it on television, nor read it in written media. This sole cause is database is an upcoming career, as it wasn't famous in the past decade, many parties didn't see the necessity to promote it even though now in this decade it is one of the demanding career. The number of database administrators is expected to grow much faster than the average for all occupations through 2018.

Software Engineering is known widely compared to Database!

The word ENGINEER managed to catch the attention of people today. Even in UTM 2011/2012 undergraduate intake, the ratio of software engineer to database systems is 1:2. I came to understand that software engineers create & improve software systems. But what caught my attention is that database administrators are needed to organise the data before a system software  can be created or improved. In other words, OR IN MY WORDS, DBAs are the backbone of literally anything related to computing. 

Why do people have negative perceptive on computing career?

Their mindset that a career in computing field doesn't promise them a luxury and wealthy life. What most teens have their head ? ermm... engineering field- civil, electrical, mechanical, etc. medical field- pharmacist, surgeon, doctor. All these promises a luxury life in return to their "investment"(time spent to study, study, and study); but they are not aware of the fact that a beginner database expert can earn about RM 35,000 - RM 45,000  annually. & as a professional I would be earning about RM 120,000 - RM150,000.

                People should be given exposure to all these! 

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